


[KSC싱가포르] NUS 산학협력 프로젝트 시작 / NUS Business Analytics Capstone Project Commences

KSC싱가포르 2023.02.07 조회수 1,413

Business Analytics Capstone Project는 NUS School of Computing 학생들과 기업이 직접 주단위로 긴밀히 소통하며, 교수진의 자문을 받아 기업이 제출한 프로젝트를 수행해 나가는 13주간의 프로젝트입니다

2022년 12월 모집을 통해 KSC싱가포르 입주기업 중 한 곳이 아래의 프로젝트로 최종 승인을 받아 진행 중입니다.

다음 프로젝트 모집은 2023년 2학기 예정입니다.


- ㈜레티마크 : Economic x-evaluation of Diabetes and its Complications

* 문의처 : KSC싱가포르 윤재운 매니저 (jae.yoon@kscsingapore.org)



The Capstone Project is a multifaceted culminating experience, allowing students to hone their technical and soft skills. This is an opportunity to strengthen the industry and education linkage and for companies to have early access/interaction with tech talents in the local pipeline.

Two of KSC Singapore startups have embarked on their projects with NUS students from August 2022.

Next round of Call for projects from industry partners will begin from 1st Semester 2023.

- Retimark : 
Economic x-evaluation of Diabetes and its Complications

* For inquiries : Ms Jaewoon Yoon (jae.yoon@kscsingapore.org)

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